Spiritual Emphasis
Northside is unashamedly a Christian school. Since its beginning, the heart of Northside has been to nurture a knowledge & hunger for the Lord in the hearts of our students while training them in the Christian way of life. We want to see them walk out Luke 2:52 which says, “Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and favor with God & man”. There are a myriad of ways we work to see these goals accomplished.
Chapel is one of the primary means we ask God to use to capture the hearts of our students. Not only are Chapels a top priority here at Northside, they are also consistently mentioned as one of the students’ favorite & most memorable spiritual events throughout their school year. We hold age-specific Chapels for each of the following age groups: Pre-K (3 & 4 yr olds), K5-2nd grade, 3rd- 6th grade, and 7th-12th grade. Chapel includes a time of praise & worship as well as a guest speaker who comes to encourage & challenge the students towards a deeper, personal relationship with Jesus.
Campus Ministry operates beyond our Chapel program, and is consistently taking place all over campus and beyond. Some of the other activities related to the spiritual life of our school include:
- Opening Rally
- See You at the Pole
- Service Project Days
- National Day of Prayer
- Spiritual Emphasis Week
- Operation Christmas Child
- Missions' projects
We want to see Christ glorified in all that we are involved in and give every opportunity possible for our students to become devoted followers of our King.