Everyone Must Fill Out the FAFSA!

Federal Student Aid

The following helpful information is re-printed in part from FastWeb!, an internet search site for scholarships. What is FAFSA? FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The federal government uses this form to determine your eligibility for financial aid, which includes: grants, work-study, scholarships and loans. 
Why fill it out? The FAFSA is used to determine how much aid you're eligible for. Think of it this way: FAFSA ->> EFC-* Financial Need-* Financial Aid
EFC stands for Expected Family Contribution. Your family must contribute this amount in the coming year to your college costs, according to the government's calculation. 
How does it work? Your prospective college will try to meet your financial need through aid made up of funds from federal, state, school and private sources. This may include loans, grants, scholarships and student employment.

FAFSA Process: 1-2-3!
The three steps to apply for federal aid:
Step 1: Assemble forms needed to complete FAFSA
You'll need the following to fill out the form:
--Social security number
--Current bank statements
--Driver's license (if any)
--Current mortgage and investment records (if any)
--Alien registration card (if not a U.S. citizen)
--2007 federal tax return (estimates are OK on tax questions)
--2007 untaxed income records (if any)
--2007 W2 forms and other record of money earned
--Parents' current income tax return (if considered dependent)
Step 2: Complete the FAFSA
--Complete a FAFSA on the Web at: www.fafsa.ed.gov
--In order to maximize your amount of aid, fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible
after January 1.
--Once finished, print the FAFSA summary as well as the "Submission
Confirmation" page (or write down your confirmation number and date). If
completing the paper version, make a copy for your records.
Step 3: Review your Student Aid Report (SAR)
The SAR is proof that your FAFSA was received. You should receive your electronic SAR in 1-3 days if you signed with your PIN (paper: 2-3 weeks).
What if I find errors on my SAR?
--Report errors immediately to your financial aid office. You can also make
corrections online at: www.fafsa.ed.gov.
--If you don't receive your SAR in 3-4 weeks, call 1-800-433-3243

Additional FAFSA Tips
--Remember that the FAFSA if FREE! If you need help, ask your financial aid
office or call the FAFSA Help Desk at: 1-800-4-FED-AID.
--Fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1, and each successive
year once you're in college: Early submission maximizes chances of receiving
--Fill out a "FAFSA on the Web" worksheet: Click "Before Beginning a FAFSA,"
then "Print a Pre-Application Worksheet." Use the print-out as a guide before
committing answers online.
--DO NOT enter online answers directly from the paper FAFSA! Online FAFSA
questions are in a different order than the paper version!
--Sign the application: If you are filing as a dependent, make sure your parents
sign too. You can use your PIN if signing electronically.
--Save your FAFSA online if you can't finish it in one session: Click the
"SAVE" button at the bottom of each step to save info for 45 days.
--Don't leave a field blank. If a question doesn't apply, enter "0."
--Make or print a copy of your FAFSA for your records.

PIN: Your Key to Online Identification
The Personal Identification Number (PIN) is the code that the U.S. Department of Education uses to identify you online. A PIN allows you to do the following on a FAFSA:
--Check the status
--Make corrections
--Fill out an online renewal form next year
--Electronically sign to speed up the process
To obtain a PIN, eligible students AND parents can visit www.pin.ed.gov (students and parents can each receive their own PINs). Click on "Apply for PIN" near the top of the page. Allow 4 hours for PIN instructions to be sent via e-mail.
Do not reveal your PIN to anyone. The PIN allows anyone to electronically sign federal student aid documents and access your confidential information.


Below is a great resource for college planning starting even in elementary school.  We use this book in our College Prep class that the juniors take, but college planning needs to start before then.


Top 5 Websites for Scholarships

1. Zinch.com

Zinch is a college students one-stop-shop for scholarships that are creative, easy and fun to apply for and win. To apply for scholarships via Zinch, you’ll have to create a username and profile that will help the site find scholarships that are specifically relevant to you! One of Zinch’s most popular awards is the Weekly Three Sentence Essay Scholarship, where applicants must generate a 280-character essay (that’s only two tweets!) while vying for $1,000 of cold, hard cash.

Visit Zinch.com for more scholarships.

2. Fastweb.com

Fastweb is another terrific, free resource where you’ll find thousands of scholarships at your fingertips. Not only does Fastweb offer a massive database of monetary awards, but it also features helpful career planning services and learning tools for its registered users! One of Fastweb’s most recently featured scholarships is the “Natural Disaster” PSA Video Contest, a $3,000 scholarship offered to creative undergrads with an eye for cinematography and knowledge of the consequences of natural disasters.

Visit Fastweb.com for more scholarships.

3. ScholarshipPoints.com

You know how you always seem to receive a new, complimentary gift after so many purchases at that favorite beauty counter of yours? ScholarshipPoints works the same way! Well, kind of. The site’s users rack up points through a rewards system, making them eligible for different scholarships according to how many points they have earned. Members can earn points through fun, day-to-day activities like reading blogs, taking quizzes and playing online games. ScholarshipPoints offers a rolling, monthly $1,000 for its members and a quarterly $10,000 scholarship . Join today and start earning your points!

Visit ScholarshipPoints.com for more scholarships.

4. Cappex.com

You may remember being advised by your high school guidance counselor to make a Cappex account to help narrow down your college search, but don’t delete that online profile just yet! The site is still helpful during our undergrad years, offering ample scholarship opportunities and financial advice. Once we’re undergrads, Cappex graciously bumps us up to “College Pro” status, where we’ll be eligible to apply for a $2,500 College Pro exclusive scholarship! Don’t wait, and check out all of the fine print of the Cappex College Pro scholarship today.

Visit Cappex for more scholarships.

5. Scholarships.com

A no-brainer of a URL, are we right? Scholarships.com is a wonderful resource for college students who aspire to kill two birds with one stone—the site finds both scholarships and colleges that are perfect for you! If you’re looking to transfer to a school that is dying to recruit you and offer you scholarships, this is the site to visit. The site allows you to pinpoint specific scholarships by your major, year in school and location, increasing your chances for receiving awards and saving you tons of time. For meticulous proofreaders and aspiring editors, you may want to check out the Proof-Reading.com Scholarship Program featured on Scholarships.com! Although an essay is required, the $1,500 you could earn is definitely worth the time spent behind the keyboard.

Visit Scholarships.com for more scholarships.

University of Montevallo

The President's Outdoor Scholars Program
William Crawford, University of Montevallo
Will Lyman House
Station 6230, Montevallo, AL 35115
[email protected]

University of Alabama Theatre and Dance

The University of Alabama College of Arts and Sciences
UA Theatre & Dance
For more information visit

Mercer University School of Engineering

Annual Scholarship Challenge at Macon, Georgia Campus
[email protected]
Contact Dr. Scott Schultz: 478-301-2840

University Theatre and Dance Auditon, Interview, and Scholarship Day

Information visit www.theatre.us.edu
Specific Program Areas, Contact Information:
Audition Coordinator:  Stacy Alley205-348-6247, [email protected]
Musical Theatre:  Raphael Crystal 205-348-8856, [email protected]
Technical Theatre Randy deCelle 205-348-6243, [email protected]
Scene Design:  Andy Fitch 205-348-3842, [email protected]
Acting Seth Panitch 205-348-3845, [email protected]
Lighting, Sound Design 205-348-6253, [email protected]

Central Alabama Community Foundation - Scholarship

Central Alabama Community Foundation - Scholarship
For information go to the website: www.cacfinfo.org
or contact Lynne Broach 334-264-6223